
Installing Alambic

Warning   Check first that the prerequisites have been installed.

Download and setup the application

Download Alambic

Once Mojolicious and all the dependencies are installed, clone the Alambic repository into a local directory.

boris@camp ~$ git clone
Cloning into 'alambic'...
remote: Counting objects: 1589, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (910/910), done.
remote: Total 1589 (delta 836), reused 1320 (delta 651)
Receiving objects: 100% (1589/1589), 3.04 MiB | 2.81 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (836/836), done.
boris@camp ~$ cd alambic/mojo/

You can also download the

Setup Postgresql

You have to create a Postgresql database for Alambic. Database name is alambic_db, user is alambic and default password is pass4alambic. These can be changed in the data/alambic_conf.json configuration file. The basic setup for this can be achieved through the following commands:

postgres=# CREATE USER alambic WITH PASSWORD 'pass4alambic';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE alambic_db OWNER alambic;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE minion_db OWNER alambic;

Note that on Debian the default PostgreSQL setup (usually in /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf) should be modified in order to include an entry for either alambic or all users:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                peer
local   all             alambic                                 md5

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5

Then restart the PostgreSQL instance: /etc/init.d/postgresql restart.

Initialise the application

Edit the main configuration file

Edit the file mojo/alambic.conf to fill in the database parameters and optionally set the port for the application.

# Low-level configuration for mojo Alambic: hypnotoad conf, etc.
    "conf_pg_minion" => "postgresql://alambic:pass4alambic@postgres/minion_db",
    "conf_pg_alambic" => "postgresql://alambic:pass4alambic@postgres/alambic_db",

    "conf_pg_minion_test" => "postgresql://alambic:pass4alambic@/minion_db",
    "conf_pg_alambic_test" => "postgresql://alambic:pass4alambic@/alambic_db",

    "alambic_version" => "3.2",

    # Hypnotoad configuration
    "hypnotoad" => {
        listen => ['http://*:3010'],

The Hypnotoad configuration section can use any setting recognised by the Hypnotoad server. See the full list of options on its official page.

Initialise the application

To initialise the database and create an administrator account use the init command from Alambic:

boris@castalia mojo $ bin/alambic init

Start the application

You're all set. The application can be started by issuing the following command:

boris@castalia alambic $ cd mojo/
boris@castalia mojo $ hypnotoad bin/alambic
boris@castalia mojo $ bin/alambic minion worker

The first command (hypnotoad) starts the UI engine, and the second command (minion worker) starts a pool of workers to take care of jobs (i.e. project runs). See the page about Running Alambic for more details.