
Executing Alambic in Docker

A few Docker images are setup:

The official repository for Alambic images is:

Please note that both test and ci images need a postgresql container to run. A compose file is provided to run the complete setup in one single neat command.

Running Alambic using compose

You can execute Alambic in a single command line, thanks to docker compose. The file at the root of the repository provides an integrated environment that uses the official docker postgresql:9.5 and bbaldassari/alambic images, runs an init script and sets the application up for use.

In the root of the Alambic repository, execute:

$ docker-compose -f up

Then head up to http://localhost:3000 and play with Alambic. Default login/password is administrator/password. Note that in some (docker corner) cases one needs to identify the container's network interface, e.g.

Running Alambic tests using compose

The docker-compose.test.yml file at the root of the repository provides an integrated environment that uses the official docker postgresql:9.5 image, runs all perl tests and outputs the result of Test::Harness.

In the root of the Alambic repository, execute:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run alambic_test

Using Docker volumes

The test and CI Docker images both export a set of volumes:

These volumes can easily be identified using the docker volumes list command:

$ docker volume list
local               alambic_db
local               alambic_fs

Volumes can be directly accessed on the host filesystem, usually in the docker lib directory: /var/lib/docker/volumes/.

When run without the compose file, the docker image can be started with a volume using the following command:

docker run -P --network=bbalambic_default --mount \
  source=alambic_fs,target=/home/alambic \

Building Docker images

Building the base image

The base image is continuously built on codefresh, and pushed to the docker hub at

In the $AL_HOME/docker/image_base_centos directory, execute:

$ docker build -t bbaldassari/alambic_base_centos -f Dockerfile .

It creates a Centos docker image, with:

You can also get the image directly from docker hub with the docker cli, like this:

docker pull bbaldassari/alambic_base_centos

Building the latest Alambic test image

The test image is continuously built on codefresh, and pushed to the docker hub:

In the $AL_HOME/docker/image_test directory, execute:

$ docker build -t bbaldassari/alambic_test -f Dockerfile .

It creates an image called bbaldassari/alambic_test with Alambic installed and ready for test.

You can also get individually from docker like this:

docker pull bbaldassari/alambic_test

Building the latest Alambic CI image

The ci image is continuously built on codefresh, and pushed to the docker hub:

In the $AL_HOME/docker/image_ci directory, execute:

$ docker build -t bbaldassari/alambic_ci -f Dockerfile .

It creates an image called bbaldassari/alambic_ci with Alambic installed and ready for test.

You can also get individually from docker like this:

$ docker pull bbaldassari/alambic_ci