SonarQube 6.7.x
This plugin retrieves information from a SonarQube 6.7.x instance.
Please note that SonarQube changes its API at a unusual high rate. As a consequence different versions of SonarQube may not work with this plugin.
Check the plugin Perl documentation in the perldoc section.
Basic information
- ID: SonarQube67
- Abilities: metrics info data figs viz
- Description: Retrieves information from a SonarQube 6.7.x instance (i.e. metrics and violations), and visualises them. Check the documentation for this plugin on the project wiki:
- Parameters:
The base URL of the SonarQube 4.5.x instance.sonar_project
The ID of the project within the SonarQube instance.proxy
If a proxy is required to access the remote resource of this plugin, please provide its URL here. A blank field means no proxy, and thedefault
keyword uses the proxy from environment variables, see the online documentation about proxies for more details. Example:https://user:pass@proxy.mycorp:3777
- SQ_URL The URL of the project within the SonarQube instance.
- SQ_NCLOC Number of physical lines that contain at least one character which is neither a whitespace or a tabulation or part of a comment. For Cobol, generated lines of code and pre-processing instructions (SKIP1, SKIP2, SKIP3, COPY, EJECT, REPLACE) are not counted as lines of code.
- SQ_FILES The total number of files analysed.
- SQ_FUNCS Number of functions. Depending on the language, a function is either a function or a method or a paragraph. For Java, constructors are considered as methods and accessors are considered as methods if the property is set to false. For Cobol, it is the number of paragraphs.
Number of statements.
For Java, it is the number of statements as defined in the Java Language Specification but without block definitions. Statements counter gets incremented by one each time a following keyword is encountered:
if, else, while, do, for, switch, break, continue, return, throw, synchronized, catch, finally
. Statements counter is not incremented by a class, method, field, annotation definition, package declaration and import declaration. For Cobol, a statement is one ofmove, if, accept, add, alter, call, cancel, close, compute, continue, delete, display, divide, entry, evaluate, exitProgram, goback, goto, initialize, inspect, merge, multiply, open, perform, read, release, return, rewrite, search, set, sort, start, stop, string, subtract, unstring, write, exec, ibmXmlParse, ibmXmlGenerate, readyReset, mfCommit, mfRollback
. - SQ_COMMENT_LINES Number of lines containing either comment or commented-out code. Non-significant comment lines (empty comment lines, comment lines containing only special characters, etc.) do not increase the number of comment lines. For Java, file headers are not counted as comment lines (as they usually define the license). Lines containing the following instructions are counted both as comments and lines of code: AUTHOR, INSTALLATION, DATE-COMPILED, DATE-WRITTEN, SECURITY.
- SQ_COMR Density of comment lines = Comment lines / (Lines of code + Comment lines) * 100. With such a formula, 50% means that the number of lines of code equals the number of comment lines and 100% means that the file only contains comment lines
- SQ_CPX It is the complexity calculated based on the number of paths through the code. Whenever the control flow of a function splits, the complexity counter gets incremented by one. Each function has a minimum complexity of 1. This calculation varies slightly by language because keywords and functionalities do. For more information on line counting for each language, see
- SQ_CPX_FILE_IDX Average complexity by file.
- SQ_COVERAGE Overall test coverage.
- SQ_PUBLIC_API Number of public Classes + number of public Functions + number of public Properties
- SQ_PUBLIC_API_DOC_DENSITY Density of public documented API = (Public API - Public undocumented API) / Public API * 100
- SQ_COM_CODE Commented lines of code See more information about commented code on the SonarQube doc web site. There is a well-documented debate on Stack Overflow as well.
- SQ_COVERAGE_LINE Line test coverage.
- SQ_COVERAGE_BRANCH Branch test coverage.
SQ_VIOLATIONS_BLOCKER The total number of issues (violations) found by SonarQube with a severity equal to BLOCKER.
- SQ_VIOLATIONS_CRITICAL The total number of issues (violations) found by SonarQube with a severity equal to CRITICAL.
- SQ_VIOLATIONS_MAJOR The total number of issues (violations) found by SonarQube with a severity equal to MAJOR.
- SQ_VIOLATIONS_MINOR The total number of issues (violations) found by SonarQube with a severity equal to MINOR.
- SQ_VIOLATIONS_INFO The total number of issues (violations) found by SonarQube with a severity equal to INFO.
- sonarqube_violations_bar.svg Repartition of violations severity (SVG)
- sonarqube_violations_pie.html Pie chart of repartition of violations severity (HTML)
- sonarqube_summary.html Summary of main SonarQube metrics (HTML)
- sonarqube_violations.html Summary of SonarQube violations (HTML)
- import_sq_issues_blocker.json: The original list of blocker issues as sent out by SonarQube (JSON).
- import_sq_issues_critical.json: The original list of critical issues as sent out by SonarQube (JSON).
- import_sq_issues_major.json: The original list of major issues as sent out by SonarQube (JSON).
- sq_issues_blocker.csv: A list of all blocker issues for the project (CSV).
- sq_issues_critical.csv: A list of all critical issues for the project (CSV).
- sq_issues_major.csv: A list of all major issues for the project (CSV).
- sq_metrics.csv: A list of all metrics with their values (CSV).