Dashboard > Data
The Data section provides links to all the information and data that can be retrieved for the project.
All data
The main tab provides the list of:
- Information -- e.g. GIT_URL
- Metrics, with ID, name, description (first paragraph of), value and computed indicator.
- Attributes, with ID, name, description (first paragraph of), value and confidence interval.
- Recommendations, with ID, name, description, severity and volume.
- Visualisation with plugin name and URL.
- Downloads with plugin, description and URL.
- Figures with plugin, description and URL.
The list of information retrieved or computed for this project, with mnemo and value.
The list of metrics retrieved or computed for this project, with Name, mnemo, description, value and the computed indicator.
All metrics link to their documentation within the instance itself.
The list of attributes computed for this project, with Name, mnemo, description, value and confidence interval.
All attributes link to their documentation within the instance itself.
The list of recommendations computed for this project, with mnemo, severity, description, value and the computed indicator.
All metrics link to their documentation within the instance itself.
The next section of the menu displays the list of information, metrics, downloads, figures, recommendations for each plugin defined on the project.
There are separate sections for Pre plugins and Post plugins.